Fans in for a Treat with #GetYourPinkOn

Afrikaanse Persvrystelling

30 March 2016 – On Saturday 2 April 2016, the Vodacom Bulls will take to the field kitted out in pink, to battle it out against the Toyota Cheetahs in the 5th round of the Vodacom Super Rugby. The pink kit (a lot different to the previous pink kit you might remember) is all in the name of raising funds and awareness for CANSA as part of the #GetYourPinkOn campaign.

Bulls Go Pink 2

Participate in Fun Activities

Wrap for Pink BullsFans can expect a whole host of fun and activities both before and during the game – in addition to the game itself! Be sure to visit the D-field and enjoy the Bull pen, beer garden and activations stalls.

CANSA will be manning eight Spray-a-thon stations at most entrance gates around the stadium where fans and spectators can get their hair sprayed in pink for only R10, purchase a limited edition #GetYourPinkOn Relate bracelet at R40 or buy a pink CANSA Wrap (bandana) for only R30.

All proceeds raised by CANSA on the day (and the #GetYourPinkOn campaign in general) will go towards the big fundraising goal to purchase a new Mobile Health Clinic.

Visit CANSA’s Mobile Health Clinic

CANSA’s Mobile Health Clinic will also be at the game where CANSA nurses will provide cancer education and information to help reduce the cancer risk, as well as the following screening:

Moblile Health Pink Bulls

  • Clinical Breast Examinations and how to do self-breast examinations;
  • Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) – a finger-prick blood test to help detect prostate abnormalities (only for men over 40);
  • for the younger man, they will educate on how to do testicular self-examinations to reduce the risk of testicular cancer;
  • Healthy Lifestyle risk assessments to assess your cancer risk;
  • Information on the cancer warning signs for adults and children; and blood pressure and glucose testing.

Early detection is important to help with more effective treatment and to have a better chance of recovering from cancer.

Pink Bulls Relate

A limited edition Relate Bracelet will be sold for R40 at match

Shanil Mangaroo, head of marketing and communication for the Blue Bulls Company, affirms that fans attending the game on Saturday are in for a treat. “Local derbies don’t get much bigger than this, and when you attach a great cause to the event – it sets the scene for something epic. The thought of seeing a packed Loftus fully adorned in pink will certainly excite both teams on the field.”

CEO for CANSA, Elize Joubert, echoes Managroo’s sentiments. “Saturday will be an exciting day, and somewhat different to ‘the usual’ rugby game. Attendees can expect great positive energy, music and of course super rugby. We are looking forward to seeing all of the fans heading out to show their support – dressed up in pink.”

Bulls Jersey Fundraiser & SMS Line

The Bulls have been pretty ballsy this year and have set a #GetYourPinkOn fundraising target of over half a million Rand, which they are aiming to achieve through a jersey fundraiser, an SMS line (SMS word PINK to 42336 & donate R30) and various brand sponsorship opportunities for the game – with 100% of all funds raised through the #GetYourPinkOn campaign going directly to CANSA to purchase an additional mobile health clinic.

The Bulls have a dedicated Uber drop off zone in University Road for the game, and are offering a free Uber ride to the value of R100 for all first time Uber app users (who are heading to the stadium for the game) when they use the promo code: BlueBulls16.

Fans are encouraged to wear pink on the day as the #GetYourPinkOn team will attempt to co-ordinate the biggest pink wave at a rugby game.

Purchase Your Ticket to the Game

Fans can get their tickets for the big game (taking place at 19:10 on 2 April 2016) from

For more information on the campaign head on over to where you can also make an online donation or a donation via SnapScan:

  • Install and register the SnapScan app on your mobile phone.
  • Tap Scan in the app.
  • Scan this QR Code with your phone:


  • Type in the amount and a reference:
    e.g.  “GetYourPinkOn + Name and Surname” and tap Pay.
  • Type in your PIN code to confirm.